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Om meg

Nedenfor følger utvalgte opplysninger om min akademiske bakgrunn: utdanning, vitenskapelige publikasjoner (blant annet monografien om gammelengelske adjektiver) og foredrag på internasjonale konferanser.


  • 2021, bachelorgrad i tolking i offentlig sektor, OsloMet (Norge)

  • 2007, doktorgrad i engelsk språkvitenskap, Universitetet i Poznan (Polen)​

  • 2003, mastergrad i engelsk, Universitetet i Poznan (Polen)



  • 2012. (med Bartosz Wiland) The shift to strict VO in English at the PF interface. I: Ackema, P., R. Alcorn, J. van Craenenbroeck, C. Heycock, et al. (red.). Comparative Germanic syntax: The state of the art. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Ss. 311-352.

  • ​2011. (med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman) Accounting for some flexibility in a rigid construction: On the position of classificatory adjectives in Polish, I: Banski, P., B. Lukaszewicz & M. Opalinska (red.) Generative investigations: Syntax, morphology, and phonology. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ss. 24-47.

  • 2011. (med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman) Distrubution of classificatory adjectives and genitives in Polish NPs, I: Debowska-Kozlowska, K. & K. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk (red.) On Words and Sounds: A Selection of Papers from the 40th PLN, 2009. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ss. 280-310.

  • 2010. (Bokomtale av) Stark, E., E. Leiss & W. Abraham (red.). 2007. Nominal determination: Typology, context constraints, and historical emergence. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

  • 2010. (Bokomtale av) Lenker, U. & A. Meurman-Solin (red.). 2007. Connectives in the history of English. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

  • 2010. (Bokomtale av) Constantino Martinez Fabian. 2007. Yaqui coordination. Munich: LINCOM Europa.

  • 2010. (Bokomtale av) Cook, V. & M. Newson. 2007. Chomsky's Universal Grammar (3rd edition). Oxford: Blackwell.

  • 2010. (Bokomtale av) Brandt, P. & E. Fuß (red.). 2006. Form, structure, and grammar: A festschrift presented to Günther Grewendorf on occasion of his 60th birthday. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

  • 2009. The syntax of prenominal and postnominal adjectives in Old English. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  • 2008. On the placement of prenominal adjectives with complements: Evidence from Old English, I: Witkos, J. & G. Fanselow (red.) Elements of Slavic and Germanic grammars: A comparative view. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Ss. 147-177.

  • 2007. True or false? Postposition of adjectives in Old English, I: Sikorska, L. & M. Krygier (red.) The propur langage of Englische men. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Ss. 29-54.

  • 2007. The (im)possibility of stacking adjectives in early English, In: Moskowich-Spiegel, I. & B. Crespo-García (red.) Bells chiming from
    the past: Cultural and linguistic studies on Early English. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi. Ss. 15-35.

  • 2007. The usage of demonstratives in the Peterborough Chronicle against the background of the Old English paradigm, I: Bergs, A.
    & J. Skaffari (red.) The language of the Peterborough Chronicle. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Ss. 57-75.

  • 2007. (Bokanmeldelse av) Suárez-Gómez, C. 2005. Relativization in early English (950-1250): The position of relative clauses. Bern: Peter Lang. SELIM Journal 14: 295-299.

  • 2006. The structural location of adnominal adjectives: Prospects for Old English. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 3 (3): 59-85.    

  • 2006. (Bokanmeldelse av) Masayuki O.. 2005. Clause structure in Old English. Nagoya: Mana House. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 42:

  • 2005. Noun phrase internal gender agreement in late Old English and early Middle English. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 41: 85-97.

  • 2004. (Bokanmeldelse av) S. Terrie Curran. 2002. English from Cædmon to Chaucer: The literary development of English. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 40: 367-372.




  • 2010, 41st Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno (Polen), med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2010, 33rd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) Colloquium, Wroclaw (Polen), poster, med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2009, 41st National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), Boston, MA (USA),
    med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2009, 4th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society, Zadar (Kroatia), med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2009, 40th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Gniezno (Polen), med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2008, 18th International Congress of Linguists, Seoul (Korea), med B. Wiland

  • 2008, 3rd Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, Columbus, OH (USA), med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2008, 6th Generative Grammar in Poland, Warszawa (Polen), med B. Cetnarowska & H. Trugman

  • 2008, 22nd Grammar in Focus Symposium, Lund (Sverige), med B. Wiland

  • 2008, CASTL Colloquium, Universitetet i Tromsø (Norge), med B. Wiland

  • 2008, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, IL (USA), poster, med B. Wiland

  • 2007, 1st Meeting of the Arizona Linguistics Circle, Tucson, AZ (USA), med B. Wiland

  • 2007, 2nd Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology, Bergen, (Norge)

  • 2007, 16th Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Szczyrk (Polen)

  • 2006, 5th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznan (Polen)

  • 2006, The Student Session at the DGfS & GLOW Summer School on Micro- and Macrovariation, Stuttgart (Tyskland)

  • 2006, 37th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznan (Polen)

  • 2005, 4th Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznan (Polen)

  • 2005, 17th SELIM International Conference, A Coruña (Spania)

  • 2005, 5th International Conference on Middle English, Napoli (Italia)

  • 2004, 3rd Medieval English Studies Symposium, Poznan (Polen)

  • 2004, 13th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Wien (Østerrike)

  • 2004, 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (USA)

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